Inspiring Life Academy Bonus Vault
A Special Bonus For Academy Members By Frances Vidakovic
If you've been invited to access this special bonus, congratulations!
This means you have qualified for access to my INSPIRING LIFE ACADEMY BONUS VAULT, which includes special bonuses such as exclusive workshops and all the very best resources I've created since the inception of my business.
Word of warning: there is SO MUCH goodness here inside this bonus vault!
🤍 Mini Workshops
🤍 Longer Workshops
🤍 Quick Win PDFs
🤍 And so much more...
So feel free to visit this bonus section whenever you need some extra support from me.
You can see the entire list of resources listed below:
Course Curriculum
StartWATCH FIRST > (1:11)
StartMy Daily 7 - The Ultimate Blueprint (26:29)
StartInspiring Life Blueprint - The Essentials (20:12)
StartHow To Be An Eternal Optimist (22:46)
StartNot A Superhuman (But I Sure Look Like One!) - Achieving More With Your Human Brain (26:10)
StartSocial Purpose - Using Social Media In A Way That Doesnt Suck Out Your Soul (28:07)
StartSurrender - How To Let Go And Give Without Any Strings Attached (25:02)
StartDo NOTHING - The Best Time To Do Nothing At All (18:08)
StartThat Thing We Hate - Discomfort (And How To Move Past It) (20:18)
StartSmall Actions Only - Achieving Big Results With Tiny Actions (18:12)
StartThis Isn't What I Asked For! - When Life Doesn't Give You The Results You Want (27:14)
StartReality Bites - 22 Sucky Things Every Human Faces In Life (22:19)
StartIt's Not That Bad (When It Really Sort Of Is) - The Consequences Of Not Taking Your Life Seriously (23:54)
StartHow To Change And Become Someone Different In Life (25:21)
StartFearless Steps: How To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (19:41)
StartMy Potential? What Even Is That? - How To Explore What You’re Truly Capable Of (30:21)
StartHow To Be Self Sufficient (Rather Than Expecting Other People To SAVE You!) (24:08)
StartLet's Downgrade Our B- Efforts To A D- Effort (Here's Why) (16:16)
StartThe Pretty Side Of "Ugly" Things (17:05)
StartZero Pressure! How To Remove All The Pressure From Your Life (23:25)
StartBye Bye Hard Stuff - How To Make The Hard Stuff In Life Even Easier (12:03)
StartAmassing Massive Wealth With An Average Income (32:41)
StartGrowth Vs Change - Yes, There's A Difference! (20:32)
StartMomento Mori - Remember You Must Die (22:15)
StartWhat If Nothing Needs FIxing? (And What If Life Is Actually Good?) (21:07)
StartNew Years Goals - A Very Different Chat (25:18)
StartWhen Things Go Wrong - How To Make It Go Right (22:52)
StartWhy Are We So Afraid To Ask For Help? (17:26)
StartThe Messy Middle - The Sucky Phase Between Point A & Point B (10:20)
Start20 Years Of Parenting Wisdom: What I Wish I Knew Sooner (39:53)
StartPep Talk: Friday Golden Nuggets Chat 🫶🏻 (31:19)
StartPep Talk: You Don't HAVE To Do Anything 🫖 (20:28)
StartWATCH FIRST > (1:11)
StartA Quiet Life - Replacing The Noise To Create Space For What Truly Matters (35:34)
StartNo Regrets! - The Art Of Making Mistakes With Zero Dwelling On Regret (44:48)
StartNo More Playing Small! - Refuse To Shrink Yourself In Life Anymore (38:18)
StartFuture You Now - Planting The Seeds For Success Today (61:51)
StartThe Reset Button - Start Afresh At Any Time (40:47)
StartQuiet Confidence For Introverts - How To Stop Hiding In Life (37:42)
StartBreak Your Worst Habit - In 3 Simple Steps (43:35)
StartWhen Knowing Better Isn’t Enough (40:19)
StartThe Invisible Force That Keeps You Stuck (49:23)
Do a happy dance and relax!
As an Inspiring Life Academy Member, you now have access to this BONUS VAULT.
FYI: you will not find this collection of resources stored together anywhere else.
This is the home to everything special that I've created in my biz to date, alongside my courses and coaching roadmaps.
Every bonus resource was created with the goal of helping you solve a pain-point in the simplest way possible.
Maximum impact with minimum fuss.
Now it's all yours to enjoy on demand as a member of Inspiring Life Academy.
Much love,
Frances Vidakovic
Your Instructor
Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic! I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.