Content Is King
How To Write 20 Blog Posts Every Month
Hey my friend! Does any of this sound familiar to you?
► You know it's important to create lots of content for your business but the idea of producing it consistently month after month, makes your head feel like exploding.
► You put off writing in exchange for the more fun, easier tasks in your business. In fact, "Writer's Block" could be your middle name.
► You love the idea of writing more than one "requisite" article or blog post every week but just can't see how producing more content is even possible (without being a super human?).
Let me guess...In the past, you may have heard other blogging experts say things like:
“the money is in the list” or
“the number of pageviews your website gets doesn’t really matter because it’s not the quantity of visitors you get but the quality of these visitors that counts.”
► In some ways these experts are correct but this is also like arguing whether the chicken or egg came first.
► After all, you can’t build an email list without subscribers first opting in, after reading valuable content on your website.
► You can’t make affiliate sales if a visitor isn’t impressed with the content you have shared.
► You can’t get even a little (let alone A LOT) of traffic to your website if your content isn’t enticing enough.
In a nutshell you need great CONTENT to woo people in and let them know what you and your business are about.
How do I know this is true? Well my friend, from experience.
I officially started my blog in Jan 2018 and by the end of 2018 I had achieved my crazy goal of achieving one million pageviews.
By the end of 2019 I had accumulated three million pageviews in total and also won a Best Parenting Blog Award.
People were intrigued.
They wanted to know what made me so special. One million pageviews isn’t something most bloggers pull off in their first year of blogging.
When I investigated this further to work out the key difference between my blog and others I discovered it often came down to the amount of content I had on my own website.
By the end of the first year I had published over 200 blog posts and by the end of year two I had written 340+ blog posts.
During my first year I consistently published 20 blog posts per month (once I saw the value of having extra content!) and by month nine I had my first 150,000+ pageviews month.
After 18 months, I finally had the luxury of taking a breather from massive content creation.
This is because I had already accumulated a strong portfolio of content that I could either promote or that was established enough to bring me consistently high traffic every month.
Let me introduce you to my secret weapon and silent partner in crime - CONTENT IS KING
When it comes to talking about content creation, I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk.
►I have a degree in psychology and am a certified life coach (one of the originals - I did my training back in 2001!) so productivity is my jam.
►I have published over 20 books, created over 40 courses and written over one million words (yes I calculated it!) so when it comes to producing a lot of high quality content I speak from experience and practice what I preach.
► I'm also the host of a personal development podcast called INSPIRING MOM LIFE, which has 435+ podcast episodes and counting.
► So if anything I have learned to be SOOOO INCREDIBLY SMART about how I use my precious time. It is all about working smarter, not harder!
Seriously you want me to write 20 BLOG POSTS A MONTH? THAT'S CRAZY!!!!
Nope I promise it is not crazy! Plus you don't HAVE to publish 20 blog posts every month if you aren't interested in seeing the impact of this strategy but it can be done.
The goal of CONTENT IS KING is simply to show you how writing 20 blog posts every month is indeed 100% possible.
Of course it is - I have done it MANY TIMES OVER (in addition to publishing over 20 books!) and this 200 page eBook will show you EXACTLY HOW it can be done.
CONTENT IS KING will show you exactly how to:
► Work Out Who Are You Writing For
► Understand The Purpose Of Your Content
► Identify What Constitutes Great Content
► Outline The Anatomy Of A Good Blog Post
► Show You More Than 100 Different Types Of Blog Posts You Can Publish
► Create Blog Posts That “Stick”
► Have The Right Mindset
► Brainstorm Ideas For Blog Posts
► Provide Specific Sources Of Inspiration
► Create An Editorial Calendar
Think that was impressive enough?
Hold your horses - there's more!
CONTENT IS KING also covers how to:
► Write Your First Draft Blog Post And What To Do After You Hit Publish
► Complete A Regular Content Audit
► Work Out When You Are Most Productive
► Help You With Example Headline Ideas And 300 Power Words That Will Make Your Blog Title “Catchier”
► Batch And My Sample Batching Schedule
► Get Inspired With Strategic Affirmations For Writers
► Help You Understand How Much Time You Have At Your Disposal
► Bonus Tips On How To Study Your Competition, Interlink! Interlink! Interlink! And Create Opt-In Freebies
► Plus 12 Tools To Help You As A Writer And Advice On How To Outsource Your Writing
► Bonus Free Seasonal Content Calendar Guide And Content Calendar
So how do you know if this book is for you?
In a nutshell CONTENT IS KING is perfect for:
► Anyone who has a website they would like to receive more traffic to.
► Anyone who literally spends hours trying to get people to notice their website yet feels like all their efforts are in vain.
► Anyone who gets stuck on what to write about each month and can’t fathom that it’s even possible to consistently write 20 blog posts a month.
It doesn't matter whether you are a newbie, intermediate or advanced blogger or business owner.
Even with my love of content creation I STILL get fresh inspiration whenever I revisit this book.
CONTENT IS KING is a comprehensive 200 page eBook with the potential to turn you into a content-creating machine.
Best case scenario after embracing CONTENT IS KING:
► Your blog is boosted from using this often-overlooked content creation strategy.
Worst case scenario:
► You accumulate a catalogue of amazing content you can use to further grow your business.
Trust me my friend, this is a win-win situation and I have total faith things will go your way!
We all love bonuses, don't we? This is exactly why we have included a few amazing bonus freebies for you along with this book!
We want you to feel totally supported on your content creation journey which is why we have given you so many extra tools and resources to keep you on track and feeling inspired.
This 14 page content calendar template will help you keep track of the 20 blog posts you write each month from hereon!
This 28 page PDF Printable will help you track so many important stats and offers you valuable tools in your business including:
► Month In Review Tracker
► Yearly Pageviews Tracker
► Yearly Income Tracker
► Monthly Income Tracker
► Monthly Expense Tracker
► Yearly Pageviews Tracker
► Blogging Goals Tracker
► Brainstorming Blog Post Ideas Sheet
► Blog Posts Published Sheet
► Email Campaign Brainstorming Sheet
► Email Campaign Tracker
► Investigating Influencers In Your Niche List
► Brainstorming Product Ideas List
► Yearly and Monthly Overview
► Daily Plan Worksheet
► What's Your Blogging Goal? Worksheet
► Affiliate Program Tracker
► Purchased Course Tracker
► Branding Colors Stylesheet
This guide shares with you everything that other online business owners fail to tell you!
No more stalling. No more excuses.
Here's your final opportunity to invest in yourself and your business right now by purchasing a PROVEN PLAN to consistent content creation.
Remember more content = more posts to promote.
More posts to promote = more potential traffic.
More traffic = more email subscribers.
Even better, more traffic = more potential income (LOTS MORE INCOME!).
FYI: All businesses and blogs need great content to grow (yep they really do!)
And with CONTENT IS KING, a comprehensive 200 page book, you will never have to worry about what to write again.
Your Instructor
Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic. I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.