Hey my friend!
Have you ever wished you could inspire your kids to be more positive but they JUST DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU?
I hear you, mama! As a psychology major and a certified life coach, I have been obsessed for years with reading books and buying courses that help me maintain a strong and positive mindset in life.
For whatever reason I didn't grow up knowing this stuff. My parents didn't know it and it definitely wasn't taught to me back in school.
But I certainly wish it was! I can only IMAGINE HOW MY LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT IF I had this knowledge and information when I was younger!
As Frederick Douglass so wisely said, it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men
So if you are a lover of personal development content, you may have noticed there are very few mindset resources especially catered for kids to consume.
Which is crazy as this is the perfect time for kids to learn about the power of their thoughts, their feelings and actions.
Children need to be actively taught that they are full of potential, that their life is what they make it and that they will encounter obstacles during this journey called life.
BUT THAT'S OKAY - these challenges are normal and nothing to fear as they help us GROW . Plus when you know better, you can DO better!
Imagine if your child understood the power of their thoughts?
Imagine if they learned to regulate their emotions and made wise choices when it came to taking action?
Deep down most moms hope their child will grow up to be positive, optimistic and aware of their potential but they discover quickly these are not inbuilt traits their children are born with.
They discover that without the right tools and strategies their children have a tendency to feel frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed, impatient and easily annoyed.
You probably already know your child has the potential to be more positive about life (even if some guidance might be required!)
You probably also know that you may need some guidance from others to help you achieve this goal with your kids.
This is where DREAM BIG ACADMEY FOR KIDS comes in.
For 100 days this course will take you and your child by the hand and guide you through a strategic plan to help positively retrain their mindset to focus on the opportunities rather than obstacles and solutions rather than problems in life.
And nope, it doesn't matter if your child is a 7 year old or a fully-grown teenager.
Either way this course will help your child become the very best version of him or herself.
✔️ If you understand the value of your child embracing the power and importance of their thoughts.
✔️ You are worried your child may not be learning these valuable lessons at school (this is normal - you have a valid right to be concerned!).
✔️ You desire to instill a positive mindset in your child and would like the expertise of a certified life coach to help you accomplish this goal.
✔️ Or you wish safeguard your child against potential future troubles by teaching them the power of their own thoughts - they are the ones who hold the key here!
Your children are responsible for their own happiness remember!
✔️ All in all you are finally ready for an attitude-transforming CHANGE in your child.
If you answered YES to any of the above, your child is the perfect candidate for this personal development bootcamp for kids.
✔️ One short, inspiring lesson per day for 100 days (each lesson is approximately 3 minutes long so perfect for a child's shorter attention span!)
✔️ Over 300 minutes of Video and Audio Lessons (your child can choose to either watch the short video or simply listen to the audio version of the lesson)
✔️ 100 downloadable worksheets for each of the 100 lessons (including 300 pages of Printable notes). These are non-compulsory worksheets but are directly related to the lesson, to help reinforce what they have learned that day.
✔️ Lots of surprise bonuses! (You will learn more about those below)
And nope, nothing bad happens if your child skips a day (they are simply pick up where they left off!).
This is a flexible and carefully modified personal development course designed to support your child long after the 100 days is over.
Each lesson was created with the goal of creating a new positive shift in your child's mindset and attitude about life.
Once again, in the DREAM BIG ACADEMY FOR KIDS there is one short video lesson for your child to watch (or an audio lesson to listen to if you are on the go) and a worksheet which will reinforce that lesson for them (don't worry they are fun and will positively change your child's mindset).
I promise, it is never too early to start teaching your child positive mindset and growth strategies.
All in all, this course will keep your child FOCUSED every day for 100 days on our ultimate goal - which is to transform their mindset.
Imagine starting each day knowing that your child will receive a boost of positivity without you having to do any of the hard work.
Imagine having that positive reinforcement set in place for the next 100 DAYS (yes 100 days!)
The cool thing is if you wish to continue reinforcing these positive lessons beyond those 100 days (and why wouldn't you since they are so great?) you never need to stress again.
YOU WILL LIFETIME ACCESS TO THIS COURSE so whenever your child needs some daily positive reinforcement they are welcome to just check into this course again.
These lessons will keep your child motivated and inspired well after 100 days - no problem! They can check into these short personal development lessons as often or as little as they like.
It's the ultimate gift of love and inspiration that keeps on giving, my friend!
We all love bonuses, don't we? This is exactly why we have included plenty of amazing bonus freebies for you with this course!
We want you and your child to feel totally supported in this course which is why we have given you so many extra tools and resources to keep you on track and feeling inspired.
These carefully chosen bonuses, when bundled with this course, will make everything EVEN EASIER for you to implement without the feeling of overwhelm. Instead it will be an inspiring yet life-changing 100 days ahead for you!
This guide will encourage an even closer relationship with your child when you ask them these 300 thought-provoking questions.
If so, this simple 55+ page eBook is the most comprehensive resource book on nurturing the parent-child relationship that perfectly complements the DREAM BIG ACADEMY FOR KIDS course.
So if you want to give your child the very best personal growth and mindset tools available the DREAM BIG MY FRIEND ACADEMY FOR KIDS is the perfect personal development bootcamp for your child.
I mean, let's be honest...this is information you want them to have in their hands sooner rather than later. And no, they do not typically teach these mindset and life lessons in school!
FYI: There's honestly never a better time than NOW to begin teaching your child that they have the power to dream bigger, set and chase audacious goals, and choose good thoughts that will support (rather than hinder) them on their journey in life.
So many people wait until adulthood to explore personal development tools. They wait for their self-esteem and confidence to suffer or crumble BEFORE scrambling to repair the damage.
Yet the truth is, the best time to safeguard it and make an investment in your precious mindset is before it's too late...
Get started now!
What age should my kids be to most benefit from this course?
This course will work well for kids aged from 5 up to the teen years. How do I know it will work well for teenagers? Well because I am the mom of two teenagers and I can see that these strategies are just as valuable now (if not more so) as they were when they are younger.
I am also the mom of a child with special needs and these techniques are just as applicable to parents who face more difficult challenges on their parenting journey.
It doesn't matter whether you have one child or seven; these lessons will just as valuable to your family. They will foster insightful conversations that will not just positively impact your child but you as a parent.
There is this widespread assumption that kids don't need to be taught how to be positive; that they are just BORN THAT WAY.
But the truth is kids need to be taught how to manage their thoughts, feelings and emotions.
This course first came to life years ago while I was sleeping bedside in a hospital room after my son was recovering from a double foot reconstruction surgery.
My son was diagnosed at age three with a degenerative neuromuscular condition that required him to use a wheelchair from age 6.
I knew deep down that life offers all humans various challenges over the course of life. We will ALL face our own individual unique battles in life. No child or adult is immune from this truth.
So much of our future happiness depends on our mindset and thoughts.
As Wayne Dyer once so wisely said: if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
So I compiled the very best 200 quotes that I knew had the potential to inspire, motivate and transform a child's mind.
These were quotes that had changed my own life, that encouraged me to dream big and live life with more positivity, hope and peace.
I knew deep down that life offers all humans various challenges over the course of life. We will ALL face our own individual unique battles in life. No child or adult is immune from this truth.
And that was how this course was born - first as a book that I wrote for my kids, that instantly became much loved by thousands and now an in-depth course with 100 short videos and worksheets to help reinforce these all-important lessons.
Let it be known that THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK YOU WILL EVER DO as a parent will happen within the walls of your own home.
Our mind is a powerful thing and the moment you fill it with positive thoughts to embrace, you and your child's life will change for the better.
The truth is YOU will get just as much from this course as your child will. When we realise that we have power and control over our thoughts and actions (rather than outside events) that is when we find true strength.
The goal of this course is to help other parents impart these essential and valuable lessons to their kids.
Dream Big My Friend Academy For Kids is a 100 day road-map of practical tools and guidance to help child dream bigger and understand that they have the potential to CREATE THE MOST AMAZING LIFE.
I honestly feel like this is the most important learning a child can undertake and the sooner they have these skills, the sooner they can implement these thought changes in their life.
This course was intentionally created using all the knowledge I have gained from my degree in psychology (I majored in child psychology) and decades of experience as a certified life coach. I'm also an author, course creator and host of the podcast.
But in the end, in the core of my heart, I am first and foremost a mom with two children, one whom has a disability, who simply wants to offer the youth of today, the very best chance of future happiness and success!
✔️ Children who like to point fingers and blame everyone else for their problems.
✔️ Feeling like your kids need to change in order for you to be happy without understanding it's YOU who needs to change FIRST. (Yes you get to learn these mindset lessons too! These short videos are perfect to watch with your kids and are designed to foster important conversations)
✔️ Or starting off the day with good intentions of being a positive example and ending up feeling more like a derailed train that has gone off the rails.
✔️ Feel more intentional with your kids as you place a special importance on having a healthy mindset and learn these tools yourself.
✔️ Understand that your children's mindset - no matter what their age - has the potential to be radically transformed in a short period of time.
✔️ Accept that change comes from what you consciously focus your attention on and it's easier to stay on track when you have a plan and the support of this course.
√ FYI: If you don't make positive changes that nurture your child's mindset today what will be the impact 5, 10, 15 or 20 years down the track?
✔️ If you have a sincere desire to teach your children these vital mindset lessons consider this moment to be a fork in your road or an offer presented to you by fate.
It was meant to be...here's your opportunity to completely change the way your child thinks about him or herself and when you CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK, YOU CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE...
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach for goal-getters, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.
She helps women take action and achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. Her superpower: transforming dreamers into doers.