Mindful Living Master Course
Roadmap For Living Life With More Intention
Yes I Want A More Fulfilling Life!Have you ever felt as if there was something more for you in life? If so, this MINDFUL LIVING MASTER COURSE is for you.
They say life is a series of moments but let's be honest...it is more than that.
It is a gift and an opportunity for growth. It is a series of challenges and choices and a chance to learn valuable lessons on this journey through life.
If you're ready to uplevel to a more mindful existence, you are ready for the MINDFUL LIVING MASTER COURSE.
This Is Your Wake Up Call My Friend
The Mindful Living Master course will share with you the 50 most important light-bulb lessons, tools and insights to help you on your journey in life.
✔️ These 50 lessons will help give you more clarity and understanding in life.
✔️ It will help you wake up to the truth of how precious life is and how to take full advantage of this gift.
✔️ It will make you feel more focused and live life with more intention and purpose.
This course is for you if you're looking to stop:
✔️ Feeling so chaotic
✔️ Feeling lost and confused
✔️ Wasting your time
✔️ Acting without intention
✔️ Having zero focus
✔️ Having no clear direction for your future
✔️ STUCK: this course will give you a sense of purpose and direction.
✔️ CONFUSED: this course will give you clarity about what is truly important in your life.
✔️ FRUSTRATED: this course will clear your mind of the unnecessary crap that usually clouds our mind.
✔️ ANGRY: this course will help you understand the importance of letting go and forgiveness.
✔️ UNMOTIVATED: this course will relight the fire in your belly so that you can embrace life and everything it has to offer again.
✔️ WITH OVER 3 HOURS of video content and transcripts of every lesson, you will have everything you need at your fingertips to live a calmer, more intentional life STARTING TODAY.
✔️ How your life is precious because one day you will die
✔️ The reality of your children not staying young forever
✔️ Why you can't expect to be healthy if you treat your body
✔️ Why your life is too short to keep crappy friends
✔️ Why there is no such thing as a perfect family
✔️ Why you potentially already have the "perfect" body
✔️ Why your life is too short to stay in a job that sucks
✔️ Why you don't deserve to be treated badly
✔️ Why some things are worth fighting for
✔️ Why your dreams won't just fall into your lap
✔️ How the road not taken is sometimes the most amazing route
✔️ Why it's never too late to change your path or direction
✔️ Why it's better to do something and regret it than regret not doing it
✔️ How sometimes we are our own worst enemy
✔️ How to let go of anger
✔️ How to embrace it when good things come to an end
✔️ How to go with the flow in life
✔️ How to maintain a healthy perspective about life
✔️ How to view time in a healthier manner
✔️ How to maintain a sense of humor
✔️ How to appreciate the simple stuff in life
✔️ How to trust your gut instinct
✔️ How to stop lying to yourself
✔️ What to do when life is unfair
✔️ What to do when the truth hurts
✔️ How to view fear so it no longer holds you back in life
✔️ How to start choosing to be happy
✔️ How to keep looking forward rather than back
✔️ How to embrace change
✔️ How to stop expecting people to change
✔️ How to let go of worry
✔️ How to want what you have
✔️ How to stop people pleasing
✔️ How to be productive rather than busy
✔️ How to enjoy your journey through life
✔️ How to maintain a good conscience
✔️ How to truly love yourself
✔️ How to navigate life when it feels like a roller-coaster
✔️ How to view your mistakes so that they actually serve you
We all love bonuses, don't we? This is exactly why we have included plenty of amazing bonus freebies for you with this course!
If you find that you are always fighting things rather than living in peace and going with the flow, this book will highlight 50 truth bombs that you need to understand to free yourself from that constant pain, suffering and torment cycle.
The ultimate collection of over 2000 affirmations will help you stay focused on the thoughts that will guide you to a more mindful life.
This gratitude journal will help you appreciate THE THINGS YOU ALREADY HAVE.
Frequently Asked Questions
In the end you have a choice.
You can go through life, living half-fulfilled, frustrated at everything and wasting your days as if you have a million more up your sleeve.
Or you can stop today and make the conscious effort to make a change.
This course has the potential to change your mindset and ultimately your life.
With the tools and lessons provided in this course, you can finally begin to feel more mindful, calmer and happier in your life.
In a nutshell, if you desperately need a wake-up call, a kick up the bottom or a radical shift in your mindset, THIS IS IT. You will find all the wisdom and answers you need right here.
So what are you waiting for? Let's begin!
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach for goal getters, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.
She helps women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. Her superpower: transforming dreamers into doers.