Oh my friend...you've just stumbled upon a membership that has the potential to change your life!

If you're tired of:

Allowing your fears to hold you back in life

Feeling like you aren't living life to its full amazing potential

Staying stuck inside your comfort zone, even though it feels oh so snug and safe in there

Or wishing that you could be any of the following: more motivated, more decisive, more courageous etc (aka - a more fearless version of yourself)

Take a deep breath, because I have got your back.

With my support and unique FEARLESS YOU formula and framework, this super affordable monthly membership will help you finally get unstuck, face your fears and completely change the way you show up each day so you get the results you want in life.





When you live with fear:

You don't take full advantage of all the opportunities that come your way

You play and live small rather than living and dreaming big in life

You don't take the risks you need to move forward in life, because of the discomfort you're feeling.

You experience regret because of all the things you aren't brave enough to do

All in all, you stay stuck and don't realise the true depth of your potential, because your inaction keeps you doing nothing new every day.

I know, it sounds so simple, right?

You know you need to feel the fear and do it anyway.

✔︎ Yet you DON'T KNOW HOW
or you're simply too AFRAID

✔︎ Even though you KNOW that living life with more courage would be MORE LIBERATING

It's time to SHAKE THINGS UP and change the way you think about fear so that you in turn change the trajectory of your life.

✔︎ No more making dumb excuses or procrastinating.

✔︎ No more saying "I don't know" or wasting time.

Inside this membership, I'll share with you a foolproof step-by-step strategy to help you to
become more fearless and begin DOING WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE DONE to get the results you want in life.





Is a unique membership that gently guides you to become more fearless in life, in the simplest, most genius way possible

Rather than wasting time making excuses every day, you will be given tools that you can begin actioning immediately

Not only is this strategy super effective but it also doesn't require you to be confident. YES I'M SERIOUS!

You can come into this membership feeling like the most unconfident person in the world and exit it knowing exactly how to embrace courage with grace and ease

As a life coach with your best interests at heart, I have made sure this membership contains only the most important tools and strategies to help you see a dramatic improvement in your action-taking - no matter what your fears...

With the support of this membership you will:

✔︎ begin to feel more in control of your life

✔︎ never allow fear to stop you from chasing your goals again

✔︎ learn and implement the exact process re: how to make this happen

✔︎ and finally you will see new results that comes with embracing courage every day

You're about to discover that living life with courage is ACTUALLY EASY when you know the right way to approach your fears in life




What's Included Inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB


Inside this course, you will learn:

✔️ The difference between courage and confidence

✔️ How to tap into courage when you don't feel confident

✔️ How to manage your brain

✔️ How to recognize what you are really scared of

✔️ How to make fear your friend

✔️ How to rewrite your script and direct your story

✔️ How to change the words in your head

✔️ How to call for backup when you need it

✔️ How to cope with anything that could go wrong

✔️ How to get comfortable with the uncomfortable

✔️ How to take baby steps (even when it's hard)

✔️ How to become the star of your own show

And so much more


The DARE Approach To Life Roadmap contains my signature framework for making things happen in life and is the perfect partner in crime alongside THE FEARLESS YOU PROJECT course.

Rather than wasting time doing lots of thinking and brainstorming, you will be called to take immediate action instead with zero pressure or stress

This framework helps you tune into the decisions that both your heart and head are telling you is YOUR NEXT RIGHT MOVE, so there's no need to second-guess or question anything

This framework is also flexible. You will absolutely LOVE the freedom that comes from knowing you only need to commit to bolder, braver decisions ONE DAY AT A TIME


In the first week of every month, a new Fearless You workshop will drop.

✔️ These workshops will be approximately 40 mins long and packed with powerful, actionable strategies to help you become more fearless in life

✔️ Remember: if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. So the ONLY WAY to achieve different results is to be willing to try something different in life.

✔️ This advice is often easier said than done though, which is why I'll be sharing specific introvert-friendly strategies to help you make change happen in your life.

✔️ There are numerous workshops already included inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB to get you started living life with more courage.




In the second week of every month, a new Fearless You Toolkit resource will drop.

✔️ These PDFs or printables will help you stay focused on your goal to be more fearless in life.

✔️ Toolkit resources already included inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB:

The Fearless You Reality Check (discover the real price of fear in life)

Make Fear Your Friend Guide

Fearless You Thoughts For More Courage Guide

Fearless You Thoughts For Less Fear Guide

Busting Your Fears Guide

The Courage To Dream Big Workbook

Your Courage Compass Workbook

Your Daily Courage Plan

Your Weekly Courage Reset & Gameplan

Declutter Your Life For Courageous Growth Guide

160+ Ways You Can Be Brave Today

From Overthinking To Action Gameplan

How To Fearproof Your Mind


In the of every month, a new Fearless You Pep Talk will drop.

✔️ These pep talks will be short and sweet (around 5 minutes) and they will inspire you to keep on going, even in the face of obstacles and challenges (which are a normal part of life).

✔️ These pep talks are simply another way of me helping you stay on track when it comes to living life more fearlessly.


This is honestly my favorite part of the FEARLESS YOU CLUB membership.

In lieu of live coaching calls, you have the opportunity to submit a question to me and I will personally answer it for you via an audio message.

So if you have a pressing question, feel free to ask.

On the 4th Friday of every month, all recorded responses will be uploaded into the FEARLESS YOU CLUB portal, under the FEARLESS YOU COACHING section.

My two signature frameworks + weekly new content means you can trust that you will feel supported inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB all month long.






👉🏻 Tell me EVERYTHING I get inside The Fearless You Club?

- Instant access to THE FEARLESS YOU PROJECT course (value $97)

- Instant access to THE DARE APPROACH TO LIFE roadmap

- First week of every month a new FEARLESS YOU WORKSHOP will be released

- Second week of every month a new FEARLESS YOU TOOLKIT resource will drop

- Third week of every month a new FEARLESS YOU PEP TALK will keep you in check

- Fourth week of every month is FEARLESS YOU COACHING - audio responses to your most pressing questions uploaded to the portal

- Plus instant access to all the valuable resources already inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB

👉🏻 I'm really nervous about joining? Is this normal?

- Yes and that's the best sign that you would benefit from this membership. Whenever you think about doing something new (that's outside your comfort zone) it's normal to feel weirdly opposed to a new idea, even if that thing could help you change your life.

- This membership will help you stop talking yourself out of doing things that are required to help you change in life.

- Remember all the magic happens outside your comfort zone but you can't tap into all that magical good stuff if you're constantly talking yourself out of doing it.

👉🏻 Is there a refund policy and/or is it easy to cancel my membership?

- Due to the digital nature of this offer, there are no refunds given for change of mind (though note: the cost is only $7).

- It is however super simple to cancel your membership inside Teachable if you'd like to leave.

- If you'd prefer, I can do this for you. Just email me before your month is done at hi@inspiringlifedreams and I'll action it for you, no questions asked.

👉🏻 Will my membership price increase later on?

- Nope, even if the price increases later (which it might), you will only ever pay whatever monthly fee you signed up with. This price will be locked in for you while you're in the membership. However if you cancel and later wish to rejoin, you will need to pay the new current rate.

👉🏻 Is there any live coaching included inside this membership?

- No, there aren't any live coaching calls but you will have the chance to anonymously submit your coaching questions to me and I will answer them for you via an audio message.

- These Ask A Coach responses will be uploaded to the portal during the final week of the month where you will have the opportunity to benefit from all the coaching happening inside the membership.

👉🏻 Where is the FEARLESS YOU CLUB hosted?

- The Fearless You Club is hosted on Teachable, where I host all 70+ of my courses and coaching roadmaps (because I love it so much).

- When you enroll, you’ll get an email from Teachable that grants you instant access to the club. You will also get emails from me whenever new content is uploaded to The Fearless You Club.

- As someone who is actively working hard to minimize the "noise" in my life, I find this platform is great at helping you stay focused on the material at hand.

- There’s a Teachable iOS app for iPhone/iPad users to listen and/or watch it all on the go.

- What if I'm a Android user? No worries—you can either access the Fearless You Club via your mobile Safari or Chrome app or log in via your computer.

- With videos, PDFs, and audio lessons, I will make sure to give you plenty of ways to soak up all the magic, no matter what your learning style.

👉🏻 Can I wait and join later?

- Yes of course you can but please note the price of the membership may increase in the future.

👉🏻 Is there a minimum length of time that I need to stay in the membership?

- No, you can join for as little or as long as you like.

👉🏻 Why is it only $7 per month? Is there a catch?

- No catch! This is just the way I like to run my business - my goal here is to offer you an affordable option to get you started re: taking action on your goals, with less fear and more courage.

- The only additional thing I offer in my business are my courses, which you can purchase over on my EVERYTHING PAGE for an affordable price. All my 70+ courses are also included inside INSPIRING LIFE ACADEMY.

👉🏻 Is there an annual option to join?

- Yes, head straight to the end of the page to sign up annually and you will receive two months free!

👉🏻 I have another question. Where can I ask it?

- Simply email me over on [email protected] with the subject line FYC and I will do my best to answer it for you promptly.

It's time to start doing things DIFFERENTLY

Stop bowing down to fear, stop wasting your time and begin living with more courage and intention so that you get the results you want in life






❤︎ Certified life coach since 2001, with a degree in psychology (graduated 1995 so I've been doing this for a while!)

❤︎ Course creator of 70+ courses (all which can be found inside Inspiring Life Academy)

❤︎ Author of 20+ books

❤︎ Host of the Inspiring Life School podcast (500+ episodes and counting)

❤︎ Born and bred in Sydney, Australia (a city with a laidback vibe I absolutely love)

❤︎ Committed dream chaser who unashamedly prioritizes family in life

❤︎ Massive introvert (so I'm no stranger to fear - I've experienced this emotion EVERY SINGLE TIME I've stepped outside my comfort zone)

Here's the thing: I have been in your shoes before.

I personally know how hard it is.

Once upon a time I was the quiet, timid kid who didn't say peep. (True story: during my first year at school I did not speak a single word - I was completely mute.)

Then I became an adult who looked confident on the outside but inside I constantly questioned my strengths and ability to succeed (that is, I was still a big scaredy cat inside!)

But I finally found a way to take action despite my fears and now I'm handing you these keys so you can make your own FEARS YOUR FRIEND and finally begin achieving all your goals in life.

If you aren't sure how to make this happen, don't worry. I'll be guiding you every step of the way...




“But I’m NOT fearless!”

That’s okay, you don’t need to be fearless to join this group.

In fact if you lack courage that’s all the more reason to join.

The FEARLESS YOU coaching program is what will give you courage and strength.

I'm here to support people exactly like you.

People who are a little scared to take action.

People who don't know HOW to get past their fears.

The strategies I will teach you will help you show up more boldly and with less fear in EVERY area of your life.

It helps to know that:

- In order to achieve success you need to be willing to get COMFORTABLE WITH DISCOMFORT

- You need to be willing to step outside your comfort zone and stretch yourself

- As Tim Ferriss so wisely said:

"Fear is your friend. Fear is an indicator. Sometimes it shows you what you shouldn’t do. More often than not it shows you exactly what you should do."

- Remember being brave isn't the absence of fear but having the fear and finding a way through it.

- If everything you want is on the other side of fear it’s time to take a deep breath, embrace courage and go to the other side….

It's finally time to:

❤︎ Not feel so scared or limited by your fears anymore.

❤︎ Live a little bigger, outside your comfort zone.

❤︎ Allow courage to lead you to more opportunities in life.

❤︎ Plus make each day count so you don't go to your grave with a million regrets.


- Instant access to THE FEARLESS YOU PROJECT course (value $97)

- Instant access to THE DARE APPROACH TO LIFE roadmap

- One new FEARLESS YOU WORKSHOP (released first week of the month)

- One new monthly FEARLESS YOU TOOLKIT RESOURCE (released second week of month)

- One new monthly FEARLESS YOU PEP TALK TO HELP YOU STAY ON TRACK (released third week of month)

- Free FEARLESS YOU COACHING - the opportunity to get your questions personally answered by me fortnightly via an audio response (coaching to your most pressing questions uploaded on the 4th Friday of every month to the portal)

- Plus instant access to all the valuable resources already inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB (I will also add anything I think you need to help you keep showing up fearlessly in life!)

So are you in? Are you ready to take your first leap with courage? If so, I'll see you inside THE FEARLESS YOU CLUB.

It's only $7 per month and you can cancel anytime.


Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic! I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.